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Friends & Partners Zone

Everyone has their part to play and many are already playing it.

We all have a role in making this county truly the most child friendly it can be, and together we can achieve so much more.

Become a friend

child friendly warwickshire yellow logo

If you share our values, why not become a friend? You might be working for a business, a charity or other third sector organisation, or simply be someone who wants to help make a difference to children and young people in Warwickshire.

By becoming a friend, you will have a chance to:

  • Be the face of Child Friendly Warwickshire by setting inspiring examples and ensuring young people’s voices are heard
  • Have your Child Friendly efforts showcased and celebrated
  • Help promote and share information and activities with other friends in the network
  • Tell us what else Warwickshire could do to be more Child Friendly and how to get as many children and young people as possible involved
  • Receive the official pledge logo to use in your publicity

Join us today


Apply to become a friend (MS Forms)


Purple Background with the title 'Get involved'

Getting involved

For all of our friends that have already signed up:

And as always, don’t forget to tell us about any great child-friendly activities you’ve been doing or if you have something planned! 

Organisations already on board

We're already working with local and national organisations, see who they are below.

Please note, we are only endorsing an organisations pledge to be Child Friendly and their aim to help children and young people be happy, skilled, healthy, heard and safe.